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The Resurrected Class Blog?
Monday, January 10, 2011

dear whoever is reading this.... hope o lvl wasnt that bad for u.. well it was for me but wads done is done. move on stop brooding over it. this is only a checkpoint in life. be more depressed now and u will nvr reach the other check point. so move on push yourself. all the best then.. to those who did well, strive on and be the best :D

By: gone with the wind...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Its been a long time since this blog was alive. I changed the link and buried it, but some of you have requested that I put it back up. So here it is! :D

Well, nothing much has changed, so have a good laugh at the stupidity of the posts in 2009 :) Cheers to you, my wonderful ex-classmates.

All the best for the results :) Do not worry too much, if you thought you did badly it usually means you did extremely well :) All the best

